Symptoms Of PTSD
Intrusion symptoms
- Recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive distressing memories of the traumatic event
- Recurrent distressing dreams
- Dissociative reactions (flash backs) intense of prolonged psychological distress of marked physiological reactions in response to internal or external cues that symbolize of resemble an aspect of the traumatic event
Negative mood
- Persistent in ability to experience positive emotions (happiness, satisfaction, or loving feelings)
Dissociative symptoms
- An altered sense of the reality of one’s surroundings or oneself (being in a daze, time has slowed down)
Avoidance symptoms
- Efforts to avoid distressing memories, thoughts, or feelings about or closely associated with the traumatic events
- Efforts to avoid external reminders (people, places, conversations, activities, objects, situations) that arouse distressing memories, thoughts, or feelings about or closely associated with the traumatic event(isolation)
Arousal symptoms
- Sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, restless sleep)
- Irritable behavior and angry outbursts (with little or no provocation), typically expressed as verbal or physical aggression toward people or objects
- Hypervigilance
- Problems with concentration
- Exaggerated startle response
The symptoms cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of life.